Hiper białe światło o barwie do 7000 K do użytku off-road*

XENARC COOL BLUE BOOST features hyper white xenon light for LED look and high color temperatures of up to 7,000 K. This is due to a special filling system instead of conventional coating. The lamps generate enhanced brightness. These products do not have ECE approval. This means they must not be used on public roads in any exterior application. Use on public roads leads to cancellation of operating license and loss of insurance coverage. Several countries do not allow sale and use of these products. Please contact your local distributor for information on the availability in your country.


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Kategoria ECE
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Trzonek (standardowe rozwiązanie)
Karty produktów
- 35 W PK32d-2 832 mm 900 mm
- 35 W P32d-2 773 mm 900 mm
- 35 W PK32d-5 832 mm 900 mm
- 35 W P32d-5 773 mm 900 mm

Materiały do pobrania

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Wyszukiwarka samochodowych źródeł światła
Wyszukiwarka samochodowych źródeł światła
Sprawdź jakie źródła światła sa w Twoim pojeździe.Znajdź oświetlenie w swoim typie! www.osram.pl/znajdz-zarowke
Program zaufania
Program zaufania
Czy Twoja lampa ksenonowa OSRAM jest oryginalna? Sprawdź swój produkt! Sprawdź online

Dowiedz się więcej o rodzinie produktów

XENARC COOL BLUE BOOST features hyper white xenon light for LED look and high color temperatures of up to 7,000 K. This is due to a special filling system instead of conventional coating. The lamps generate enhanced brightness. These products do not have ECE approval. This means they must not be used on public roads in any exterior application. Use on public roads leads to cancellation of operating license and loss of insurance coverage. Several countries do not allow sale and use of these products. Please contact your local distributor for information on the availability in your country.