Zasilacze napięciowe 12 V

Korzyści ze stosowania produktu
  • Versatile scope of application due to output power range of up to 300 W
  • Wysoka ochrona przed przepięciem: do 6 kV (L-N) / 6 kV (L/N-PE)


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Nazwa produktu
Znamionowa moc
Karty produktów
OT FIT 60/220-240/12 P
60 W Nie 1570 mm 530 mm 315 mm
OT FIT 150/220-240/12 P
150 W Nie 2020 mm 530 mm 315 mm
OT FIT 300/220-240/12 P
300 W Nie 2660 mm 830 mm 395 mm

Dowiedz się więcej o rodzinie produktów

Obszar zastosowań
  • Nadaje się do instalacji wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych
  • Doskonałe do montażu na bardzo ograniczonej powierzchni
Ecodesign regulation information:
Intended for use with LED modules.
The forward voltage of the LED light source shall be within the defined operating window of the control gear in all operating conditions including dimming if applicable.

Separate control gear and light sources must be disposed of at certified disposal companies in accordance with Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE) in the EU and with Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013 in the UK. For this purpose, collection points for recycling centres and take-back systems (CRSO) are available from retailers or private disposal companies, which accept separate control gear and light sources free of charge. In this way, raw materials are conserved and materials are recycled.

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